Time Travels

Since Time, an elusive concept that governs our lives, is a fundamental aspect of human ancient civilizations, humans have strived to understand and measure time in various ways. From the sundials of ancient Egypt to the atomic clocks of the modern era, the measurement of time has evolved, enabling us to synchronize our activities and navigate the world around us.

Within the vast expanse of the cosmos, scientists rely on celestial events and phenomena to measure time. One such celestial clock is the rotation of planets and stars. For instance, the rotation of Earth on its axis provides the basis for our familiar 24-hour day. Likewise, the orbit of the earth around the sun defines a year.

To conceptualize and convey the vastness of cosmic time, scientists often use cosmic calendars. These calendars compress the entire history of the universe into a more relatable timeframe. For instance, if the entire lifespan of the universe were represented as one year, then human civilization would occupy just a few seconds.

When it comes to describing the vast distances of the cosmos, we redefine those distances in terms of “light years” – effectively trading physical measurements for a measure of the number of earthly orbits.

Science attempts to understand the age of the universe by calculating time in terms of years – using that earthly orbital standard when the beginning point was before the earth even existed.

Confused yet?

None of these concepts addresses the fundamental and unanswerable question – “what is time?” More importantly, how does our understanding of time impact our understanding of the nature of God and the universe?

The Bible and our human interpretation of its contents only adds to our confusion. At the same time, that confusion serves to show us that the universe and our very existence depends on the vast and mysterious volume of information that separates us from our Creator.

If nothing else, the mindboggling and complex efforts to understand time reminds us that God exists in a form that we cannot begin to understand, and we are left with the realization that we must “take it on faith,” because we are ill-equipped to understand that which we have no language to describe.


Consider the Source

Throughout history, stories of miraculous events have captivated and intrigued humankind. From religious texts to personal accounts, miracles have been central to our understanding of the extraordinary and the divine.

Perception plays a pivotal role in our understanding of miracles. The same event can be interpreted as miraculous by one person and dismissed as mere chance by another. Our preconceived notions, biases, and personal experiences shape our perception of what constitutes a miracle. Therefore, miracles become deeply personal and subjective, making it challenging to establish a universally accepted definition or explanation.

Faith plays a crucial role in the belief and experience of miracles. For many, miracles are seen as acts of divine intervention, bolstering religious convictions and affirming the existence of a higher power. Throughout history, numerous religious traditions have recorded miraculous events that have shaped the beliefs and practices of their followers.

A miracle can be defined as an event that transcends the natural laws of the universe, often attributed to a divine or supernatural force. It is an extraordinary occurrence that defies logical explanation and astounds those who witness it. Miracles are commonly associated with religious or spiritual contexts, but they can also be perceived as remarkable happenings in everyday life.

While skepticism persists, those who have experienced or witnessed miracles often describe a profound sense of awe and connection to something greater than themselves. These personal encounters can deepen faith and provide solace during challenging times, offering a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

Miracles often involve unexplained phenomena that challenge our understanding of the world. Medical miracles, for instance, encompass spontaneous healings, recoveries against all odds, or unexplainable remissions. While science strives to unravel the mysteries of the human body, there are cases where inexplicable recoveries have occurred, leading some to attribute them to a higher power.

Similarly, extraordinary occurrences in nature, such as miraculous survival stories during natural disasters or encounters with seemingly impossible odds, leave us questioning the limits of human resilience and the interconnectedness of life – or, the possibility of divine intervention.

The reality of miracles remains a subject of debate and individual interpretation. Whether perceived as divine interventions, unexplained phenomena, or extraordinary coincidences, miracles continue to captivate our imagination and challenge our understanding of the world. They invite us to consider the vast possibilities that lie beyond our comprehension, reminding us of the profound beauty and mystery that permeate our existence. In the end, the reality of miracles may ultimately reside in our ability to open our hearts and minds to the extraordinary potential that surrounds us every day.

Faced with our inability to explain miraculous events, it is only logical to consider the source.

I believe in Angels

Throughout history, mankind has been fascinated by the existence of celestial beings known as angels. Often depicted as ethereal and benevolent entities, angels have captivated the imagination of cultures across the globe. While the belief in angels is deeply rooted in religious and spiritual traditions, there are intriguing accounts and alleged evidence that suggest their presence on Earth. In this article, we will explore some of the compelling indications that hint at the existence of angels among us.

Numerous testimonies exist of individuals who claim to have encountered angels. These experiences often describe a profound sense of peace, divine intervention, and inexplicable occurrences. Whether it is a stranger appearing out of nowhere to offer assistance during a dire situation or a miraculous healing that defies medical explanation, these encounters leave individuals convinced that they have interacted with angelic beings.

Many stories throughout history attribute instances of divine intervention to the presence of angels. Accounts of people being miraculously saved from accidents, natural disasters, or life-threatening situations have frequently emerged. Survivors often report feeling an inexplicable force guiding them to safety, leading them to believe that angels had intervened to protect them.

Certain phenomena cannot be easily explained by conventional means, leading some to speculate about the involvement of angelic forces. For instance, there are instances of mysterious lights or ethereal apparitions appearing during times of distress or near holy sites. These manifestations often bring solace and inspire awe, suggesting the presence of something beyond the realm of human understanding.

Throughout history, various artifacts and symbols have been associated with angelic presence. Relics such as feathers, which are commonly believed to be left behind by angels, have been discovered in places of worship and during moments of personal significance. These artifacts are often seen as physical manifestations of angelic visitation, reinforcing the belief in their existence. Many people claim to have experienced uncanny synchronicities or moments of divine guidance that they attribute to angelic influence. These experiences often involve a series of events or signs that lead individuals to make important life choices or find comfort during challenging times. The intricacy and precision of these occurrences have led individuals to believe that angels are orchestrating these synchronicities.

Religious texts from various traditions often depict angels as messengers and guardians. These writings, such as the Bible, Quran, and ancient scriptures, provide detailed accounts of angelic encounters and their interactions with humans. For believers, these texts serve as substantial evidence of angelic presence and their role in guiding humanity.

While the existence of angels on Earth remains a matter of faith and personal belief, the testimonies, encounters, and unexplained phenomena described by individuals across cultures and throughout history provide compelling evidence that suggests their existence. Whether as divine protectors, comforting guides, or celestial messengers, the enigmatic presence of angels continues to inspire wonder and fuel the human imagination. Ultimately, the evidence of angels on Earth lies in the hearts and experiences of those who believe in their existence, perpetuating the age-old fascination with these celestial beings.

Return Visits

From time to time, the topic of reincarnation comes up. As a rule, the Christian community doesn’t buy it, since the Bible doesn’t promote such an idea.

Is there any evidence for this idea? Perhaps the answer can be discovered in an old expression – “out of the mouths of babes.”

Many of us have had the experience of witnessing our young children seeming to be engaged in a conversation or interaction with an “invisible” companion. Most likely, we wrote it off as a child’s imagination and gave it little thought other than amusement.

What if we missed an important clue?

Today’s technology has given us access to more evidence than in years past. Recently, I encountered an internet article that described a number of incidents where the actions of a young child suggested hidden truths about the travels of a soul through time.

Several of these stories were about comments or recollections of a child who had no logical reason for knowing what they expressed – at least in terms of our common understanding. One child commented that she fell asleep in the water “under the ducks” and then awoke with a new mommy. Another child commented on a car he recognized as identical to the one where he was killed.

Several children recognized and correctly identified pictures of people who had died long before the child was born or described family relationships where the child was the ancestor of their current parent.

The fact that these children are able to describe persons or events that existed long before their current lifetime is a strong indication that there is more to our existence than we are capable of grasping with our accepted beliefs.

We humans are guilty of making judgments based on a set of beliefs inherited over time. That is especially true when it comes to our spiritual beliefs such as those described in the Bible. In our arrogance, the mistake we make is to cling to the belief that concepts not specifically described in the Bible are not true. If we reflect on that idea, we must acknowledge that much of what we have learned through science is not addressed in Biblical texts.

The Bible does not discuss the size of our sun, the orbits of the planets, the speed of light, or the vastness of the universe, yet these are discoveries of human science. Perhaps reincarnation is another concept that we have yet to prove, but exists nonetheless. Perhaps these childhood revelations are the proof we seek to confirm that God is the ultimate recycler, and that the “afterlife” includes multiple opportunities to learn a greater truth.

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Blessings in Small Doses

In our fast-paced and often chaotic lives, it’s easy to overlook the small blessings that surround us every day. We get caught up in our routines, chasing big dreams and grand achievements, and forget to appreciate the simple joys that come in small doses. We forget that blessings don’t always involve picking the right lottery numbers. But if we pause for a moment and take notice, we’ll find that sometimes small blessings have the power to bring immense happiness and gratitude to our lives.

One of the greatest joys of life lies in the beauty of nature. A gentle breeze on a warm summer day, the vibrant colors of blooming flowers, or the melodious chirping of birds in the early morning can fill our hearts with delight. We may be so focused on our goals that we fail to notice the beauty of the world around us. Taking a walk in the park, spending time in a garden, or simply gazing at the stars can remind us of the incredible wonders that exist in our everyday lives.

Moments of laughter and connection with loved ones are also blessings that come in small doses. A shared smile, a heartfelt conversation, or a warm hug can instantly lift our spirits and make us feel loved and cherished. These moments of connection remind us of the importance of relationships and the joy that comes from human connection. Whether it’s a phone call with a friend or a shared meal with family, these small doses of love and companionship can bring immense happiness.

Finding joy in the present moment is another small blessing that we often overlook. We spend so much time dwelling on the past or worrying about the future that we forget to appreciate the beauty of the present. Engaging in mindfulness practices such as meditation or simply taking a few deep breaths can help us become more present and attuned to the small wonders of life. The taste of a delicious meal, the warmth of a cozy blanket, or the sound of a loved one’s voice.

Perhaps the greatest blessing is merely the fact that we wake each morning, blessed with the opportunity to experience another day of life.

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Not Your Time

Now and then we might run across a story about someone who claims to have experienced death, but returned to life. Those stories are called NDE’s – near-death experiences.

For most of us, our reaction is probably mixed. We want to believe, but the concept of experiencing death, yet able to return to life, is so far removed from our life experience that we struggle to believe. Once again, we are faced with the reality that there is more to our existence than we are aware of.

If we suspend our doubts for a moment, we might find a profound truth.

One of the most common statements from those who claim to have had a NDE is the description of a challenge. The person having this experience is in communication with a higher power who advises them, “it’s not your time.”

The NDE experiencer is so overwhelmed by the feeling of peace and joy, that they don’t really want to return to their human life, but are told, “you must go back – it’s not your time.”

But, why?

Even with our limited human understanding, if we stretch our imagination, we might be able to grasp the reason.

Perhaps our human life is a learning opportunity for a spiritual being. Perhaps we cannot fully appreciate the full spectrum of a heavenly existence without first experiencing the full spectrum of emotional moments. Perhaps we need to experience levels of sorrow to fully appreciate joy. Perhaps we need to experience a variety of pain before we can appreciate the ultimate pleasure.

Perhaps too, there is a purpose to our life.

Perhaps we are destined to be the inspiration for someone in distress or suffering from low self-esteem. Perhaps we are the link pin in some future event that would benefit mankind.

Like extras in a movie, perhaps we are merely the background for a historical moment or action.

We might find it difficult to believe that God would orchestrate every moment of our lives. After all, isn’t free will a basic concept of humanity? But, it isn’t as difficult to believe that God might engineer moments in our lives, and then offer new opportunities, based on our free will reaction to those moments.

Perhaps, based on our beliefs, our behavior, and our capacity for love, God has a plan for our human life. Perhaps God allows random events, and only steps in when those events are contrary to His plans.

And then when those random events result in our death before He has used us according to His plan, He steps in and says, “It’s not your time.”

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In the beginning…

The first words of the Bible – “In the beginning.” It is perhaps the simplest, yet most profound opening of any text ever written. In the beginning.

From time to time, a news story arises from the ranks of science and academia, announcing a new theory about the size of the universe and the beginning of time. Most of us who live normal lives, and have only a basic grasp of science and astronomy may glance at such a story and move on to other topics.

Those of us who are engaged in that perpetual struggle to justify our faith and our grasp of science may pause to delve deeper into those questions. When, exactly is the “beginning?” Where is the end of the universe?

As is usually the case, we are handicapped by the limitations of human understanding. We can understand the beginning of a lifespan and the end, based on our own experience and observation. We can judge the distance to our favorite vacation spot or grandma’s house based on the human-designed scales of mileage.

In either case, there is a clearly defined starting point and ending point. When it comes to judging the size of the universe, or the time it has existed, we are clearly in over our heads.

So, in an attempt to pu these strange concepts into a form we can grasp, we fall back on the most reliable yardstick we have at our disposal – mathematics.

We start by redefining distance in terms of the gap that light can transverse over a period of time. Those vast distances then become “light years.” So, now we are describing an unimaginable distance using a scale of time. And, when those years start accumulating too many zeros, we invent another scale. Perhaps eons will work.

Ultimately, we come full circle and come back to “time” as the defining element. And time is such a confusing element. An hour waiting for dinner to cook is a minor inconvenience, while ten minutes standing in the rain waiting for the bus, seems like an eternity. So, even time is relative.

Confused yet?

The bottom line is that the age of the universe and the size of the universe are concepts that are so far removed from human experience, that we have little choice but to accept the concept that some things are beyond our ability to understand.

And that is where our struggles with science bolsters our faith. That is where believing in a God who creates and controls all things makes sense, even to the logical mind. We can neither prove nor disprove the concepts of time and space that define our existence. But we know those elements exist.

Perhaps that, in itself, is proof of the existence of God and all He represents.

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… for a reason

Everything happens for a reason.

Sound familiar? It is a common expression that we tend to use to explain the unexplainable. When we are faced with an event or consequence of an event that seems to be contrary to our intention or desire, we give up on trying to understand the “why.”

Sometimes it seems to come down to the choices we make.

The expression “everything happens for a reason” is a philosophical or spiritual belief that suggests that every event or circumstance in life has a purpose or a meaningful cause behind it, even if it may not be immediately apparent. It implies that there is a larger, overarching plan or design to the events that unfold in our lives.

Proponents of this belief argue that even in difficult or challenging situations, there is a hidden purpose or lesson to be learned. They view life’s events as part of a greater scheme, where everything is interconnected and serves a higher purpose or contributes to personal growth, spiritual development, or the greater good.

In short – God orchestrates the events that define our lives.

Then, along comes logic.

Logic would suggest that the idea that God would oversee so many events for so many people on earth is beyond belief.

As my wife and I worked toward a goal of relocating to a warmer climate, we experienced a setback that delayed our plans. My serious injury meant that many of the activities that we had planned for our move had to be postponed until I recovered.

As we reflected on the housing market, interest rates, weather patterns, and the political climate, we realize that the delay we are facing, may in fact be for the best.

Everything happens for a reason – right?

My first impulse is to think that it would be the height of arrogance to believe that God would make the effort to arrange events for my benefit. Of all the millions of people living on this planet at this time, why would He, who gave free will, to begin with, why would He devote the effort to me.

Then, my logical mind suggested that there were just too many people on this planet for God to watch over on a cases by case basis.

The problem with my logic versus faith conflict is that I was falling into a typical human trap. I was thinking of my situation, and God’s abilities, in human terms.

Somehow, we fail to realize that, the same God that we believe created the entire universe, and the billions upon billions of stars, planets and other elements of that universe is obviously capable of watching each individual person in a handful of human beings on a single planet.

Perhaps everything does happen for a reason, and perhaps we can have faith that things will work out for the best, if we practice one simple act.

Trust in God.

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The Great Debate

For centuries, science and faith have been viewed as two conflicting ideologies. While science relies on empirical evidence and reasoning, faith is often based on belief in something that cannot be proven in terms of human understanding. The conflict between science and faith has led to many debates, controversies, and misunderstandings.

One area where science and faith often come into conflict is in the debate over the origin of life. The evolution versus creationism debate is perhaps the most significant conflict between science and faith. Evolutionary theory states that all life on earth has evolved over millions of years, while creationism posits that a divine creator made everything in a matter of days. This debate has been ongoing for decades, with many people firmly believing in one view or the other. Those who accept evolution argue that it is supported by a vast body of evidence, while those who support creationism cite religious texts and beliefs.

Many religious traditions have creation stories that describe how the world came into being, often involving a divine creator. However, the scientific consensus is that life on Earth evolved through natural processes over millions of years. This has led to many debates over the teaching of evolution in schools and the place of creationism in the scientific community.

Despite the apparent conflict between science and faith, there are many examples of how the two can work together. For example, many religious organizations have come out in support of conservation efforts and climate change mitigation measures. They argue that it is their duty to care for the planet, which is a gift from God. In this way, science and faith can work together to achieve a common goal.

The conflict between science and faith also extends to issues such as stem cell research and genetic engineering. While scientists see these technologies as a way to improve human health and well-being, some religious groups believe that they are morally wrong and go against the natural order of things.

In more recent times, there have been many examples of science and faith coexisting and even collaborating. For example, many religious groups have embraced the idea of climate change and are working to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. The scientific community has also been working to find ways to make their discoveries more accessible to the public and to address ethical concerns related to their work.

Despite these conflicts, many people still hold both scientific and religious beliefs, and some even see them as complementary. For example, the Catholic Church has a long history of supporting scientific research and has often been at the forefront of scientific discoveries. In recent years, Pope Francis has made numerous statements about the importance of addressing climate change and protecting the environment.

In conclusion, the conflict between science and faith is a complex and multifaceted issue that has been the subject of debate for centuries. While there have been instances where science and faith have come into conflict, there are also many examples of them coexisting and even complementing each other. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to reconcile their own beliefs and find a way to integrate science and faith into their worldview.

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Learning Curve

Today’s technology allows us access to an immense storehouse of human knowledge. Now, try to imagine the immeasurable amount of information relating to all the elements of the universe and our existence. It is obvious that we haven’t even scratched the surface when it comes to understanding – well – everything.

All things considered, it would take an eternity to understand it all. Perhaps that is intentional. Perhaps an all-knowing God created a human being with limited abilities to observe and comprehend while occupying a human form.

Those of us who have contemplated an existence that lasts through eternity may have cringed at the idea of an infinite number of days of existence. Would we become bored? Would we eventually accept a fate of ceasing to exist, ceasing to think or experience? Would we actually reach a point where we no longer wanted to exist?

If we recognize God as the source of infinite wisdom, we might begin to understand that the unlimited pool of information that is at our disposal, especially after physical death, is part of God’s plan for us. It gives us the incentive to continue to learn in our lifetime, and it gives us hope for a joyful existence in the afterlife.

And the evidence is all around us.

Our science invents new standards to explain the vast distances between stars. Even by those standards, we don’t truly grasp those distances because the only way to describe them is by mathematics. By the time we add enough zeros to the description, we have long surpassed any possibility of visualizing such distances.

Our efforts are distorted by the fact that our life experiences are based on standards that we can see or feel.

Perhaps it would take an eternity to fully grasp those new standards. Perhaps that was God’s plan all along.

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