Seeing is Believing

In our struggle to embrace faith in God, we often overlook basic evidence of His existence and His hand in the creation of the world we inhabit. There is an expression – “seeing is believing.” In this case, it is what we don’t see that is proof of one of God’s miracle creations.

Every day, we gaze through windows in our home and drive our cars by watching our route through the windshield. And we give no thought to the fact that we can see through a solid substance – glass. We have become so accustomed to the properties of glass that we fail to recognize the miracle that glass represents.

For centuries, glass has allowed light to enter our homes while keeping inclement weather from causing us discomfort. In the lens of a telescope, glass has revealed detail of other planets and celestial bodies of our solar system. The lens of a microscope has allowed the discovery of the minute world that impacts our health.

Glass has found a place in cooking and eating utensils, building materials, mirrors, pictures on the wall, and coffee tables. Glass is everywhere. Glass is so common that we easily take it for granted.

We have learned to create and modify glass, but it is a natural part of our earthly environment. The intense heat of a volcano, for example, can create glass. The raw material for glass is the same sand that covers your favorite beach.

As we contemplate the idea that all we experience is the result of creation by God, we need to consider the alternative. What are the possibilities that humans would ever have conceived the idea that common sand could be converted into a transparent substance unless the example had not been provided by nature?

The idea that a solid substance could allow light to pass through is foreign to human experience.

It is just one more example of the collection of miracles that are the signature of the hand of a loving God.


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