God’s Puzzle Factory

If God wanted the human race to advance, grow, learn, and evolve, what process would He employ?

Perhaps the answer to that question has been with us all along.

As quick as we are to debate the conflict between science and faith, we may be missing the most obvious clue to that puzzle. The advances in science, architecture, art, music, mathematics, and astronomy are just the tip of the iceberg in the potential volume of knowledge that we constantly nibble at.

Perhaps there is purpose in our continual quest for more knowledge. Perhaps it is part of God’s master plan to give humanity the incentive to evolve intellectually.

If we reflect on it, we would realize that it is the human trait of hunger for more understanding that has driven, and continues to drive development in all areas. Pick any area of human endeavor and the evidence is there.

Medicine. Science continues to search for the causes of diseases and the cures or preventions.

Chemistry. What chemical reactions or combinations will produce more energy or led to the development of materials to make life easier?

Physics. How can we tap into the incredible energy of the atom? What makes it all work?

Music and art. What new combination can we create to bring joy to the human heart?

Astronomy. What is out there in the universe?

We all have challenges and trials in our lives. Perhaps those struggles are God’s way of giving us something to strive for.

If we didn’t have puzzles to solve and struggles to overcome, would we just exist in a lifetime with no purpose? Could we even survive a lifetime with no reason to exist?

Perhaps God’s unending puzzle box is part of His plan to allow us to survive and evolve. Perhaps each of us needs to discover our purpose and strive to accomplish that purpose and earn our place in the history of humanity.

There is, after all, no end of mysteries to solve.

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