Everyday Miracles – Part 4

When we try to understand how intelligent life came to be on planet Earth, we are faced with impossible concepts. Science would lead us to believe that the earliest life forms came about because some random combination of chemicals decided to get together and create life.

Sound a bit far-fetched? Wait, it gets better.

Next, these clever little cells of living material somehow, instinctively, knew how to consume materials that would provide them with the energy to move about, procreate, and evolve.

Whew! That’s quite an accomplishment for a chemical stew that got smart.


Unless there was an intelligence that directed those activities. Unless there was a God.

For those who would take God out of the equation, there is a big problem. For those who believe that the complex combination of life forms on Earth came about merely through a process of evolution and buckets of time, there is a big problem.

Even when we accept the concept of evolution as part of earth’s history, there are serious missing pieces. If we go way back to the earliest forms of life on earth, we encounter fundamental questions that only the existence of a Creator can answer.

How, for instance, did that first chemical mix know how to consume other chemicals and use them to generate energy? Considering that those first life forms would be short of brainpower, how did they know how and when to reproduce? Was there an impulse to evolve into another life form? And where did that impulse come from?

The simple one-cell creatures that existed, even to this day, somehow had the ability to move about and seek out nourishment, divide into two parts to essentially, procreate, and modify its DNA or whatever passed for instructions to create the next generation’s modification.

Somewhere along the way, life forms began to develop two sexes, and required the two sexes to interact in order to produce the next generation. And it was that random mix process that fueled the evolutionary trend that created the variety of life forms we see today. Once again, we are faced with the probability that there is little to no way to explain how this came about except to acknowledge that there had to be an intentional directive or act from a higher entity – God.

As the relentless march of science and technology brings us closer and closer to understanding our world (or, at least thinking we understand), a quick trip to the picnic ground is all we need to realize how far removed we are from the universal knowledge that our Creator represents.

That ant that made off with that breadcrumb from your sandwich somehow has the intelligence to build a home in the soil, secure food, avoid dangers, and raise the next generation of ants. All that ability, crammed into a cranial capacity the size of the head of a pin. Truly, an everyday miracle.

For all our efforts to understand the mechanics of our existence, we seem no closer to understanding the greatest question of all regarding our existence. It is a question that only God can answer.






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