Watching for Angels

His name was Jim, and he spoke of his heartbreak. He spoke of his shock and the unending flood of tears he shed when he learned of his wife’s infidelity.

And he spoke of angels.

It was a chance meeting, and a chance conversation with a man who had lived the high life and lost it all. But it was at his lowest moment that he felt he was touched by an angel. In his deepest moment of anguish, when the tears were flowing unending, and he was praying for relief from his pain that he literally felt a touch on his shoulder – and the anguish drained away.

He believes it was his guardian angel. He also believes that his angel has interceded for him more than once. He believes each of us has a guardian angel.

In a world ruled by logic, there seems to be no place for angels, let alone an angel for each human being. That would seem to be an inconceivable number. Nearly eight billion. Common logic rejects such a number.

But, common logic forgets that the number of stars in our galaxy alone is estimated to be in excess of 100 billion. If that many stars reside in one galaxy, who is to say that a few billion angels cannot hover over as many humans at any point in time?

Once again, we are faced with the limitations we embrace, based on our own human experience. If an angel exists primarily in a spiritual realm, we cannot apply our customary dimensions of space and time to a type of existence beyond our senses. So, we are left with ur doubts.

If angels are truly emissaries from God, why don’t we sense their presence?

Perhaps our doubts and our logic blind us to the spiritual realm where angels reside. Perhaps we miss the signals because we are too busy doubting.

Most of us can recall moments in life when we seemed to be extraordinarily lucky. Perhaps we avoided a traffic accident because the light turned red. Perhaps we were in just the right place at the right time to reap unexpected rewards.

Were these moments the efforts of our personal guardian angel? Did we fail to recognize divine intervention because we didn’t believe enough?

If we believe in a God who created the universe, perhaps a few billion guardian angels isn’t too big a stretch. Perhaps those angels would be more obvious if learned to believe with more intensity.

If you need a little coaching to enhance your faith, well, just ask Jim.

He knows from personal experience.


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