As the community of science continues to probe the meaning and nature of matter, it conveniently ignores the possibility that the answers they seek are simply the work of God. The international effort results in the construction of greater and more powerful machines designed to dissect the structure of matter down to the smallest element.
While they seem to have made great progress, the deeper they go trying to solve this mystery, the more complex the answer becomes.
The scientific community does try to keep us informed – or perhaps it is just bragging. It is becoming more common to see little news pieces pop up on internet sites, detailing the latest discoveries or theories regarding the nature of all matter and/or how that matter came into existence via the “big bang.”
The problem is that the common reader can’t begin to understand what they are talking about. Such news reports are sprinkled with terms like quarks, leptons, electrons, muons, hadrons, and other exotic names. To complicate things even further, science now tells us that quarks come in a variety of styles such as up, down, strange, charmed, top and bottom.
Confused yet? Wait! There’s even more to add to the mix. Continue reading