Now and then we might run across a story about someone who claims to have experienced death, but returned to life. Those stories are called NDE’s – near-death experiences.
For most of us, our reaction is probably mixed. We want to believe, but the concept of experiencing death, yet able to return to life, is so far removed from our life experience that we struggle to believe. Once again, we are faced with the reality that there is more to our existence than we are aware of.
If we suspend our doubts for a moment, we might find a profound truth.
One of the most common statements from those who claim to have had a NDE is the description of a challenge. The person having this experience is in communication with a higher power who advises them, “it’s not your time.”
The NDE experiencer is so overwhelmed by the feeling of peace and joy, that they don’t really want to return to their human life, but are told, “you must go back – it’s not your time.”
But, why?
Even with our limited human understanding, if we stretch our imagination, we might be able to grasp the reason.
Perhaps our human life is a learning opportunity for a spiritual being. Perhaps we cannot fully appreciate the full spectrum of a heavenly existence without first experiencing the full spectrum of emotional moments. Perhaps we need to experience levels of sorrow to fully appreciate joy. Perhaps we need to experience a variety of pain before we can appreciate the ultimate pleasure.
Perhaps too, there is a purpose to our life.
Perhaps we are destined to be the inspiration for someone in distress or suffering from low self-esteem. Perhaps we are the link pin in some future event that would benefit mankind.
Like extras in a movie, perhaps we are merely the background for a historical moment or action.
We might find it difficult to believe that God would orchestrate every moment of our lives. After all, isn’t free will a basic concept of humanity? But, it isn’t as difficult to believe that God might engineer moments in our lives, and then offer new opportunities, based on our free will reaction to those moments.
Perhaps, based on our beliefs, our behavior, and our capacity for love, God has a plan for our human life. Perhaps God allows random events, and only steps in when those events are contrary to His plans.
And then when those random events result in our death before He has used us according to His plan, He steps in and says, “It’s not your time.”
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