Wages of Sin

There is little doubt that the concept of punishment for sinful behavior has been the foundation of laws and moral standards for hundreds, if not thousands of years. There is also little doubt that a strong factor of superstition has magnified the impact of the basic biblical cautions.

In all probability, the earliest and most primitive groups of humans developed some basic rules of acceptable behavior. It is equally likely that punishment administered by or on behalf of the victims of bad behavior was swift and brutal. No doubt the earliest standard of behavior was “whatever I can get away with.”

Then, along came the ten commandments.

Finally, there was a set of standards that could be acknowledged by everyone, even if they didn’t always adhere to the rules.

The problem was, as simple and basic as the ten commandments were, they were still subject to interpretation and superstition. After all, the old testament texts were full of tales of the wrath of God. Consequently, for a period of time, the earliest Christians took these things pretty seriously – even if they were still prone to “bend the rules” to suit their needs.

Enter the age of reason. As science and education began to merge into a thought process we might call “common sense,” civilization began to doubt and challenge the validity of the ten commandments just as those very concepts began to form the foundation of our legal and moral standards.

And, while those standards began to solidify in rules of civilized behavior, we were presented with a new set of questions. Surely the hard-core rules such as prohibitions against murder or theft were hard to dispute, but some of the others were more of a grey area.

So, what is a “sin?”

Just as people of earlier eras tended to mix biblical standards with superstition to complicate the issue, we in a more modern age are doing something similar by nit-picking the simplest biblical directives, looking for the loopholes.

Let’s ask again – just what is a sin?

As surely as generations have complicated the question, we can easily unravel that question by understanding the source and intent of the ‘Rules.”

It’s actually a simple process. Instead of over-analyzing and nit-picking every phrase of the Bible, all we need to do is step back from the maze of thoughts and interpretations and view the messages of the ten commandments and the new testament.

It’s actually pretty clear. The source of our existence and the power of our universe is the purest form of love.

The goal of our life is to achieve the ultimate level of love. It is a goal that none of us can hope to fully achieve in our human form, but effort is necessary to keep us moving in the right direction.

Therefore, any thought, word, or act that impeeds our journey toward pure love is the definition of sin.



Balancing Act

In the search for other planets that might harbor life, there is a term used – the Goldilocks Zone. It refers to the orbital distance around a star that would allow for liquid water and other conditions to exist compatible with life as we know it. This, of course, is based on our human experience with the needs of life forms, including our own, on planet earth.

What seems to get lost in this debate is the miraculous mix of conditions that allows us to exist, and the source of that mix. Are our circumstances the result of the eons-long evolution of our planet, or the result of planning and execution by a Creator?

While there is ample scientific evidence of the evolution of our planet, the mind-boggling number of perfect circumstances that allow for our existence clearly leans toward the idea of intelligent design by that force we call God.

Every breath we take is made possible by the unique combination of gases in our atmosphere. Those gases, which include the carbon dioxide fuel for plant life and oxygen for animal life, are mixed with nitrogen, which contributes to plant growth, and is part of the complex chemical makeup of animal biology. Yet, when we breathe that gas, it is essentially inert in our respiratory function

Every breath that we take could also have previously been part of the atmospheric shield that protects us from lethal solar radiation as well as incoming meteorites that burn up in our atmosphere.

That same atmosphere contains the clouds that transport liquid water from our oceans and lakes to our farmlands that produce our food. The balancing act continues as those same clouds deposit winter snow in the mountains to provide a continuous flow of fresh water in warmer months. The tilt of the earth’s axis as it travels around the sun, as well as the time it takes to make a complete seasonal cycle are additional elements in the balancing act of the ideal conditions for our existence.

While we may not appreciate it at the time, the storms, floods, droughts, cold spells, and heat waves are all part of the mix of restore, renewal and replace cycles of our home planet.

All in all, it is difficult to imagine that all these elements of our environment are simply accidents of nature when they so clearly contribute to the conditions for our existence. Any one of these factors, missing or out of balance, could make our existence impossible.

Accidents of nature? I think not.


Five Fingers

The perpetual debate between those who believe in evolution and those who believe in creation by intelligent design ignores one simple answer that satisfies both sides.

Evolution could simply be one of the tools that God used to perfect His creations in an ongoing process. If we examine our existence through that lens, we might recognize the signs.

Take your hand, for instance – five fingers, each a different length, each capable of maneuvering in multiple ways. You have an opposable thumb which enables you to grip things that would be difficult if not impossible otherwise.  The nearly unlimited variations of finger positions and independent actions allow humans to invent and play musical instruments, perform delicate surgeries, and communicate without verbal cues.

Those same miraculous fingers allow humans to invent, build and use tools to create and construct ever more complex devices and structures.

Okay. Other creatures have five digits on their paws or hands. How does that fit in the creation/evolution debate?

No contest.

If we consider the possibility that God used evolution as a tool to build His ultimate human creation, it is a reasonable consideration that those five digits were part of the earliest stages of creating animal life. Once that foundation was established, God may have used His tool of evolution to enhance and perfect His final design. It is reasonable to assume that the evolution of what would become the human hand was part of the process toward intelligent and capable humanity.

Turn the page. Type the words. Dial the phone. Hold the tool. Pet the dog. Bait the hook. Twist the cap. Sign your name. Summon the waiter.

The infinite number of uses for those five talented digits is incomprehensible.  While five digits are common in the animal kingdom, only humans have developed the range of skills that separate us from other animal life forms.

Evolution? Yes, but evolution as part of the complex process of creating the most versatile life form on planet earth.

When we truly contemplate how the human hand and those remarkable fingers have contributed to the rise of human civilization, it’s hard to see it as just an accident. The case for intelligent design wins – hands down.



The Color of Music

It seems to be a universal trait in all human cultures – an appreciation for art. It could be an oil painting, a sculpture, poetry, or music. Among all those forms of art, music seems to be the most universal. From the simple drum beats of the most primitive people to the elaborate symphony of the world’s finest orchestras, music seems to appeal to all, even those who would show disdain for other forms of art.

Who among us hasn’t found ourselves foot-tapping to the rhythm of a special song? Who hasn’t found ourselves feeling the stirring of a marching band or felt the emotional grip of a memory associated with a particular song?

Perhaps it is emotion that sets music apart from other art forms.

And, perhaps it is the emotional link to music that is the key to connecting with the spirit realm we call heaven. Perhaps emotion is the language of the spirit beings we all become when we pass from this physical life.

If we reflect on it, we might recognize that it is emotion that is the common element of our appreciation of all art forms. We feel moved by a painting or photograph that somehow touches us. We might find ourselves re-reading a poem or listening closely to the lyrics of a favorite song. But it is music that seems to have the greatest impact on our emotions.

We can only wonder if the sounds of music are instinctively linked to our desire to connect to the heavens. How many church services begin with songs of praise? How many of those songs combine poetic and inspiring lyrics with pleasing or inspiring melodies? How many of those lyrics paint a word picture of a heavenly reward?

Once we begin to connect the dots, we might begin to recognize that emotion, and the expression of emotion through music is the strongest link to the spirit realm and the heavenly destination we strive to achieve in our efforts to understand faith, logic, and the ultimate merging of the two.

The Infinite Puzzle

The history of humanity is a history of perpetual puzzle-solving.

Who are we? Why do we exist? Where do we come from? Where are we going?

And those are the more profound questions. Before we even get that far, we are on a continual quest to understand the world we live in, and the mechanics of that world.

The questions are so complex and inter-connected that we have broken them down into sub-categories, each with its own group of specialists that labor to answer their portion of the grander question.

We have chemists who research the interactions of chemical compounds and how to best apply them to human life. We have doctors and biologists who work to understand how human and animal life functions and how to correct malfunctions. Physicists struggle to understand the mysterious forces that govern our world and beyond. Astronomers peer into the heavens, looking for answers to the secrets of the universe.

All of these disciplines, and many more, strive to solve the myriad of questions about our existence and the existence of the universe itself. All of them focus their efforts on their specialty.

None of them even begin to grasp the totality of the grander question – a question so profound and complex that it defies description. It is a question so complex that it can only be considered by breaking it down into those various components.

That grander question cannot be answered in human terms because it involves concepts, energies, and forces outside human experience. It also involves the incredibly complex interaction of all the elements, known and unknown.

Imagine a huge jigsaw puzzle that requires all the pieces to fit in a precise pattern in order to complete the picture. Imagine further that each piece was, in itself, a complete picture of its subject. Imagine that each piece required adjacent pieces to “cooperate” in the fitting process.

Now imagine the process of assembling the puzzle to require eons of time and effort. Imagine that there is always a search for that critical missing piece.

That might begin to describe the human efforts to understand our existence and the existence of all that we experience. It also provides a glimpse into the mind of God and His gift to all of humanity – the gift of perpetual hunger to understand.


Beyond Five Senses

It’s common knowledge that our pet dogs and cats can sense things that we humans cannot. It is a certainty that they can detect scents that we may not recognize. They seem able to hear frequencies that lie outside the range of human ability. For all we know, they may be able to see things hidden from our eyes.

The bottom line is that there is much more to our world, our existence than we realize.

It might be fair to speculate that most of us are aware, perhaps instinctually, that there is another dimension outside of the range of our senses and we struggle to understand it. It would probably be equally fair to speculate that most of us have had an encounter with that dimension, even if we didn’t recognize it at the time.

That encounter might have been a sensation of the presence of another being, even though we couldn’t see anyone. It might be a particularly vivid dream or a voice that we heard only in our head. It might have been a premonition, or an urge to avoid an action. It is a fleeting awareness, a break in the clouds that reveals that there is something more.

All these things are confirmation of another realm, another dimension of existence, and our earthly existence acts as a filter to restrict our exposure to a greater truth.

As we contemplate the existence of a God and a life after our physical death, these glimpses of a larger reality are evidence of that truth. They are hints. They are the whispy traces of alternate channels of awareness.

So, why would we be prohibited from knowing all that the filter of life blocks from our awareness?

Perhaps God, in His wisdom, limits our perspective so that we might better focus on the gifts of our human existence. Perhaps withholding that ultimate knowledge is the incentive we need to strive for the perfection we need to transition to a fully empowered spiritual being.

Along the way, those glimpses of truth are confirmation that our silent prayers are heard. Our silent prayers are another, valid, form of communication with our Creator.


God’s Voice

Hollywood would have us believe that God speaks with a thundering voice, and some passages in the Bible describe God’s voice as “majestic,” “powerful,” or “like the sound of many waters.”

But, the Bible quotes were from so long ago, we can’t help but wonder – does God speak to us today? Other than in the movies, why don’t we hear the thundering voice of the Almighty today?

We have become so accustomed to the extravaganza of Hollywood productions that we may have become tone-deaf to the true voice of God. Perhaps the truth about God’s voice is that it is subtle and echoes in our subconscious.

Perhaps the truth is that we are so overwhelmed by the “noise” of our modern existence that we have become deaf to the subtle, powerful voice of God. Perhaps god speaks to us in the language of our emotions.

Perhaps God whispers.

Is it possible that God speaks to us all the time, but we don’t hear because we expect to hear words, but God speaks to us in His own language?

When we feel that twinge of sorrow when we see the lifeless form of the deer or squirrel that didn’t quite make it across the road, is that the voice of God reminding us of the value of innocent life?

When we yield to temptation and steal a sample from the bulk bin at the grocery store but then feel guilty, is that God’s voice echoing through our heads?

When we shed a tear witnessing someone else’s pain or grief, is that God’s voice expressing love?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of expecting God’s voice to be something we can hear, because that’s what we have been led to believe. Perhaps it is more likely that God speaks a language of emotion. Perhaps God’s voice is heard in the emotions we feel when we stray or follow the path which has been defined for us in the messages of the Bible.

Perhaps God speaks to us daily, we have only to listen to the messages we feel rather than hear.



Free Will Versus God’s Will

Everything happens for a reason.

That’s a common expression used to explain the unexplainable, or to explain what seems to be an unfortunate circumstance. The implication is that there are no accidents, that God coordinates all happenings to suit His purpose. In other words, God orchestrates all events in your life.

Or does He?

Like so many elements in the mysteries of faith, there may be some degree of confusion or contradiction in how we interpret the messages in the Bible.

In the very first verses of the book of Genisis, it is reported that God created human beings in His own “image.” If we consider all the complexities of translation from one language to another over the course of centuries, it might be reasonable to conclude that the “image” of God is not necessarily the physical image that we imagine. The image of God might more probably be the state of a self-aware, self-directed being, capable of making choices about his own actions.

So, how does that idea fit with the concept that God directs our lives?

If we adopt the idea that mankind was created in God’s “image,” we must also consider that God did not want to merely create a race of puppets that required Him to direct and coordinate their every move. If we consider the complex nature of God’s relationship with His creation, we might conclude that God might derive some of His power from the praise and adoration of entities that choose to do so. Puppet beings would not be able to convey such power.

Likewise, the emotion of love, which is an essential force in the universe, cannot exist unless by choice.

While it is probable that God chooses to act when it serves a greater purpose, it is equally likely that He allows most of the events in a lifespan to occur randomly or as the results of the choices made by the individual. It is easy to assume that God’s overall plan for mankind is to allow us to mature and learn with only an occasional tweak to keep us on track or to serve that greater purpose. Perhaps random occurrences are intentionally allowed to happen as part of God’s plan for human development.

The evidence of humans being allowed to control their own destiny is contained in the very fabric of Christianity. What need would there be to promote the lessons of the Bible except to persuade self-directed human beings to make the right choices?

Puppets don’t need to make choices.

Everything happens for a reason?

Perhaps some things happen for a reason – serving God’s purpose. Perhaps the majority of things that “happen” are part of God’s plan to allow us to learn and grow and become refined in His “image.”

Prophet or Profit?

There is no doubt that there are con-artists who take advantage of human desire to believe in a spiritual realm where those who have died continue to exist and watch over those of us still living.  Likewise, there is no doubt that there are those among us who are desperate to experience a connection with the other side, desperate for a message of comfort.

Contrast that with the fact that the Bible is filled with stories of those who claim to have a special connection with the spirit realm,. Yet, when we are confronted with contemporary prophets or mediums, we are skeptical.

We are confronted with two opposing realities.

Over the course of centuries, the prophets of the Bible have become accepted because – well, because it is in the Bible, so it must be true. Few of us have paused to consider that those who recorded these biblical tales might have had their own agenda. Perhaps some of these tales were exaggerated or distorted to prove a point. Perhaps the subject of some of these stories had their own type of profit in mind.

When we are exposed to tales of contemporary psychics or mediums, we tend to immediately assume that there is fraudulent intent. In today’s culture, we have become aware of too many con artists who go to great lengths to capitalize on desperate human emotions. So, we immediately assume those people are faking it. We are immediately skeptical.

So, why do we accept at face value, the tales from the Bible, while, at the same time, instinctively reject contemporary psychics or mediums?

While healthy skepticism protects us from being deceived, it might also prevent us from receiving legitimate messages from the realm beyond our earthly existence.

It is another reality that there are people who demonstrate that they have a special talent or ability. There are those who have a photographic memory that allows them to recall specific details of a particular date in history, up to and including the weather on that date. There are those who can perform complex mathematical calculations without the use of a computer or calculator. There are those who can create lifelike illustrations with a brush and paints and those who can compose soul-stirring music.

In many of these cases, those with these special abilities are using the same tools or skill sets that are available to us all, yet they are able to multiply their effectiveness beyond what most of us are capable of doing.

The Bible, and the stories in the Bible are undoubtedly inspired. But the Bible is not the whole story of our existence. It does not reveal the secrets of chemistry, biology, or physics. Those secrets have been revealed over time by humans with enhanced abilities.

The fact is – there is more to our existence than most of us are capable of witnessing on our own. Those with that special gift of seeing beyond our earthly reality have now, and in the past, helped us see the greater reality.

Perhaps we need to be more open to today’s psychics and mediums. Critical and skeptical – yes. But, when the messages they provide are clothed in love and hope, when the provider has little or nothing to gain from relating these messages, perhaps we need to be prepared to incorporate these experiences into our blended belief system.

Heaven’s Home Address

The location, or address, of heaven, depends less on human viewpoint than on the inescapable reality that we know nothing about realms of existence outside of our physical experience. The prevailing view of most faiths is that the afterlife, or heaven, is “above” us. Of course “above” is contingent on where you are standing at the moment.

It seems instinctive that heaven is in the realm overhead.

It seems that the afterlife neighborhood goes by many different names, depending on the particular brand of your belief. The entry point also has different names – the pearly gates, the rainbow bridge, and more. But, regardless of what label you put on it, the question remains – where is it?

The answer to that perplexing question is hidden in the equally perplexing vocabulary of human experience. We can only describe that place” in terms of our own human sensory vocabulary. If that “place” exists in another realm other than the physical realm we inhabit, we have no words to describe it.

We are accustomed to describing a location by using familiar words such as right, left, east, west, up, down, inside, outside, and others. Each of these terms is understood because of universal agreement on what those terms mean. In most cases, each term can be linked to a visual representation or a physical movement.

How then can we describe a “location” that has no physical presence?

The problem, of course, is that we are handicapped by the fact that we have no vocabulary, no past experience we can use to convey the concept of an alternate realm. Those who claim to have had a brief visit to the other side via a NDE (near-death experience) sometimes describe seeing colors they have never seen. They may claim to have “heard” music like they have never heard on earth.

They may also claim that they didn’t “see” or “hear” as much as they “sensed” these things, suggesting that there are ways of receiving information beyond our basic human senses.

Perhaps the “location” of heaven, or the afterlife, falls into a similar category. Perhaps we are looking at the question backward. Perhaps our physical existence exists within the realm of heaven, but we are unable to see beyond our physical niche in the overall scope of existence.

Perhaps our journey into the afterlife isn’t so much a journey as it is an escape from the restraints of our physical world. Perhaps our death is merely the shedding of those blinders that have restricted our vision during our human experience.

Perhaps heaven is now, and has always been, all around us.