Is the Bible True?


(In response to those who requested a taste of the message in the book that inspired this website, here is an excerpt from the book – “Faithful Logic, Logical Faith.”)

The first barrier we need to overcome is the subject of language. We all have had experience in seeing our language change, even in the course of our own lifetime. If you were able to speak to your great-great grandparents, imagine their reaction if you were to describe someone as “really cool.” They would probably interpret that as a person who was cold and indifferent, or perhaps needing a blanket. You would probably find yourself struggling to explain how that term actually describes an admirable character trait.

Now, apply that concept to the language of the Bible. Mix in the task of interpreting between several languages, add a few thousand years rather than a couple of generations, and you can begin to see how confusing things can get.

Dedicated biblical scholars may spend a lifetime analyzing the oldest texts of the books of the Bible, trying to deliver the “right” interpretation. Considering all the factors, we can appreciate that, despite their best efforts, they are truly giving us their best guess.

Perhaps we are looking at the Bible from the wrong perspective. Instead of asking “is the Bible true” we should be asking “is the Bible truth.”

There is a difference.

Let’s go back to our logic for a moment. If we owe our existence to a supreme being with the ability to create the universe and the complex life forms and balance of nature that keeps us alive – is it too big a stretch to imagine that God would also devise a means to communicate with us through the ages?

Is it possible that God directed the recording of symbolic tales to make a point, much like the parables that Jesus used to make His points. Is it possible that God delivered His messages in a form that would be understood by less sophisticated humanity, yet still pertinent to people of our age? Is it possible that we put forth so much effort analyzing the accuracy of the Bible texts that we fail to grasp the larger message?


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