God’s Laws of Attraction – Part One

Some of the miracles that we experience daily can’t be explained by science. Science may describe the effects, but can’t quite offer a credible explanation for the cause.

Perhaps the most common miracle we are all familiar with is the effect of gravity. It is so common, so familiar, that we seldom give it a thought unless we are standing on the edge of a tall building, or even the top of an unsteady ladder. At that point, we are keenly aware of the force of gravity and the potential consequences if we disregard the hazard it represents.

Even more common, we expect that when we set that cup of coffee down, it will rest where we placed it and the liquid will remain inside and not go floating away.

The effects of gravity are so familiar that we fail to recognize the miraculous nature of this force.

Science would call it a force of nature or one of the “laws” of the universe.

But, pure science fails to address the question of who or what created the laws of the universe or the forces of nature. Perhaps the simplest explanation is that gravity is merely the most obvious example of God’s laws of attraction.

And that coffee cup on the table is just the beginning.

Gravity is a force so vital to our existence that it is impossible to imagine life without it. In fact, life as we know it simply could not exist without the beneficial effects of the force of gravity.

Not only does gravity keep our feet on the ground, it is the force that causes the rain and snow to fall from the sky. It is the force that causes rivers to flow from higher ground to the sea.

Gravity from our moon causes the oceans’ tides.

Gravity is the reason that every hit in a baseball game doesn’t become a home run.

Yet science cannot explain why.

Gravity is the force that causes the earth and other planets to orbit the sun rather than continue on a straight path on a journey to the vast and cold reaches of the universe.

Science can use mathematics to interpret the effects of gravity in calculating the force needed to place satellites in orbit around the earth. The same mathematical calculations can allow spacecraft to use the gravity of another planet to “slingshot” that craft toward a distant rendezvous with another celestial object.

Science can accurately make those calculations, but cannot explain why the pull of gravity exists.

We can measure the force of gravity, we can adjust our efforts to counteract that force, but we cannot defeat it. We cannot negate it.

Perhaps this is one of the strongest arguments for the existence of God.

Perhaps the reason we cannot understand what this force is or how to control it is because it is a supernatural force from a supernatural source.

Perhaps the force of gravity is simply – the will of God.



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