Faith’s Greatest Gift

It would probably not be an exaggeration to suggest that most of us are introduced to Christianity as the means of going to heaven after death. In all likelihood, we are exposed to that concept as children, even before we understand the definition of death. But long before that event, true believers are treated to a gift that is possibly equal in value.

It is called hope.

Hope is that oh-so-subtle emotion that drives us forward when we sense that all is lost. Hope is that tickle in the back of your mind when logic says “it’s no use trying.” Hope is seeing a brighter future on the darkest of days.

Hope and faith are two sides of the same coin. Both involve a belief and confidence in something unproven. When it comes to a spiritual life, hope is the child of faith.

The hope of a better outcome during times of trial is fueled by faith. Even when faced with inevitable tragedy, we can cope when faith promises that any adversity is only a temporary glitch in an eternal existence.

We all know that our earthly existence is limited, but the thought of non-existence is problematic. In our self-awareness, we find it difficult to grasp the concept that all we are, all we know, and all our memories could vanish with our death.

It is the hope of continuing existence that only faith can bring.

The strongest link between hope and faith is the reality that, once energized by faith, hope has a life of its own. Hope can stick to us like velcro. It is an emotional state that has no equal and has a value beyond comprehension. We each need hope just as certainly as we need the air we breathe.

In those moments when you question the value of faith, it is important to remember that those without hope often lose the will to live. Those without hope often become victims of drug abuse, alcoholism, and violence. That knowledge alone demonstrates the importance of faith.

Faith is the greatest power source that fuels hope. If not you, then someone you know needs that power.

Help them find it.

Share the power.

Cling to it yourself.




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