God’s Master Plan

God’s master plan isn’t truly a secret – if you are paying attention. It is, however, extremely complex, and ultimately beyond human comprehension. At best, we can use our science and our logical thinking to begin to appreciate the blueprint of our existence.

Once again, we must step back from our normal view, and see the miracle of our existence from a broader perspective.

We are all guilty of taking for granted many of the things that make our existence possible. Right at the top of that list is the evolving source of energy that provides us with heat, light, and transportation.

In the earliest years of our existence, we relied upon wood fires to provide heat, light and cooking fuel. At a time when human population was dramatically less than today, nature had little problem replenishing the trees that provided firewood. A tree harvested for that purpose was easily replaced within a few years.

As the population grew, and the demand for more efficient fuel expanded, coal became the preferred resource. But coal was not as easily replaced as wood and required considerably more effort to harvest. Coal was created by the transformation of vegetable material from huge swampy forests that died and decomposed. Add heat, pressure and millions of years, and coal is eventually formed. The critical element of time means that coal is not a renewable resource within the projected existence of humanity.

The difficulty of recovering coal, and the downside of pollution and other impracticalities makes coal a resource of diminishing importance.

Enter oil and gas. Like coal, oil and gas were produced from decomposed vegetable material, also requiring heat, pressure and millions of years of time. Gradually, oil and gas replaced coal as the most practical form of fuel. Harvesting this resource required even greater technology. Also like coal, oil and gas are not a renewable resource. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Nuclear materials which power reactors, are also in limited, non-renewable form.

Our most recent resource is solar power which, while non-renewable, will probably outlive human existence.

If we reflect on the evolution of our sources of power as humanity matures, we might recognize that the evolution of our options seemed to keep pace with our population growth and technological development.

It’s almost like there was a master plan for us. It was a plan that required a sequence of events in the history of our planet that would provide what humans needed, and the timing of discovery and utilization that humans needed. It was a plan that required millions of years and a specific set of geological events to develop the final resource.

If we rule out the probability that all the necessary steps were the result of random events, we must conclude that it was a plan that could only be orchestrated by an entity that had the patience to accomplish those specific goals. It also required the one element that mankind has yet to harness – time.

It was a plan that could only be accomplished by God.



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