The Forever Factor

The basic premise of the term “forever” is that there is no end time. When it comes to our own existence, we embrace that term because we cannot wrap our heads around the idea that our self-awareness, all the knowledge and experience we have accumulated, and all the potential inherent in days to come could cease to exist.

And perhaps this is one of God’s greatest gifts to us.

Logically, we acknowledge that we have a limited lifespan. We also know that circumstances can snuff us out at any age, without warning. Yet, we routinely plan for our future. We plan weddings, vacations, and family gatherings with little regard for the fact that we might not live long enough to see our plans through.

We close our eyes each night, fully expecting to see the dawn. With the exception of those with serious medical conditions, we seldom give thought to our mortality.

Perhaps this is where God’s gift comes into play.

The combination of self-awareness and the capacity to accept (but ignore) our mortality gives us the ability to live lives of purpose and promise.

Yet the companion gift is even more meaningful.

Ultimately, we do match up the logic of our mortality with the emotion of fear. We fear the loss of our awareness. We fear the loss of our being. The thought of our consciousness being permanently shut off like a burned-out lightbulb is incomprehensible.

The thought of forever suddenly has real meaning. The thought of existing forever is the promise of continuing experiences and learning. The thought of being erased from existence forever, or being denied those spiritual gifts is beyond understanding. The emotion of fear is a turning point.

It is that emotional aspect of our personality that is the key to re-connecting with our Creator.

It is that emotional tool that enables us to engage with our God. Our other senses are unable to see, hear or sense God’s presence. Emotion, which is the native language of love, opens the door to the spiritual realm that God inhabits.

Once we surrender our fear in exchange for God’s love, we are on the right path to complete joy.






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