In the Beginning – A Witness

The book of Genesis opens with a description of the creation of all that we know. It is ascribed to Moses, but we might question how he came into this knowledge. After all, he wasn’t there. But hidden within the text of Genesis is a simple proof of the existence of a Creator.

Frankly, the book of Genesis provides an early opportunity to cast doubt on the Bible. Some of the text seems to be in conflict with itself. Any logical reader can’t help but question how much of the text is history and how much is myth. The fact that Moses’ lifetime occurred long after the Adam and Eve events, suggests that Moses recorded tales that were passed down through verbal telling, and we quickly encounter a conflict when we read that Cain was banished and went off to live with people in another land.

If Cain was the firstborn of Adam and Eve, we can’t help but question where these other people came from. When Cain married and started his own family, where did his wife come from? The obvious answer is that the story of Adam and Eve and their family is largely symbolic.

Does that mean the book of Genisis is entirely fiction?

Not at all. In fact, the opening paragraphs are proof of the hand of God. Over the years, our science has developed the tools to analyze and reconstruct the history of the earth and the rise of human beings. When we read the sequence of events described in Genesis and compare that description with the findings of science, we find that there is an amazing correlation between the two. Genesis describes the earth being created, the waters of the earth revealing dry land, the beginning of plant life, and the fish in the sea appearing, pretty much the way our science would reveal the sequence they have determined.

The obvious question is – who could have witnessed these events? Even if we assume that Moses received this information as it was passed down from earlier generations, who would have been around to see the acts of creation as described in Genesis?

The obvious answer is, only God, Himself could relay that information to a human so that it could be recorded for generations to come.

We might question the accuracy of some of the incidents in Genesis, but there is no doubt that no human witness could have seen the beginning. The only explanation is that the events, in the beginning, could only be witnessed by God.

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