Finding the Right Church

The Christian community seems to be divided. Probably each of us claiming to be a Christian has had to make the decision as to which denomination is the “right” church for us. Even if we were raised in a particular denomination, the day was certain to come when we would be approached to consider another path.

And to be certain, each denomination has a reason why it is the “right” choice.

If we are to stay true to our dedication to using logic to address our questions about faith, we must take a step back from the emotional attachment we might have to our current or childhood beliefs, and acknowledge some facts.

While they may recognize their fellow churches, each seems to have built their church on a foundation of a particular segment or interpretation of the Bible. Each has zeroed in on the one thing that proves their brand is the right one.

Once we apply the logic filter to this concept, we will recognize that it is the human element, the judgment of a particularly influential person or group that has created the identity of that particular denomination. In other words, it is clearly a matter of human interpretation.

Even the Bible itself is the result of human interpretation of the various texts that were examined and debated over the course of hundreds of years. There are many more texts that were considered by various scholars and rejected, a debate that has endured since the earliest days of compiling what we know as the Bible. It is these disputes over what is sacred text and what is not that has formed some of the divisions in Christianity.

So, how then do we decide which church is right/

In truth, the debatable distinctions between different denominations is not as important as the core message. As long as each denomination adheres to the core message of Christianity, the variances in ceremony may be inconsequential.

Perhaps, an all-knowing God would recognize that different personalities of His human creation would need slightly different paths toward the ultimate truth. Perhaps that God would allow those variations to accommodate the free will that He built into the human soul.

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