Brain Power

There’s no doubt that the debate between science and faith continues. Interestingly, it seems that every scientific or logical argument has an equally powerful counterpart in faith.

Think about it.

Now, consider what it takes to think about it. The analysis, the logic, the judgement, all are mental activities. Science has determined the structure of the human brain and which parts are responsible for various activities. What remains unexplained is how those divisions came into being.

When we consider the process of human development, we recognize that the human brain, like all the other organs, developed from the division of cells as the body develops in the womb.

The missing piece of the puzzle is, what process causes one cell to divide and become the cerebral cortex while another cell starts the colony that will become the cerebellum or one of the other specialized areas?

Is this another “accident” of nature that conveniently happens again and again? Or is it the result of intelligent design by a higher power? While science may be able to describe the mechanics of cell division and the growth of organs, it cannot explain the “why.” While science may conclude that all the instructions as incorporated into the DNA of our cells, it is less likely to be able to identify the trigger that initiates the shift from one type of cell to another.

Once the brain is fully developed, more mysteries emerge. With millions of brain cells busy firing off electrical impulses to its neighbors, how does the brain know which path to utilize? How are memories stored? How do abstract thoughts develop from what is basically a mechanical and chemical process? Where does “instinct” come from?

Finally, in some rare cases, people have been able to recall memories of events they could not have actually witnessed.

While we can easily accept that the brain is essentially the control center for the human body and all its functions, these indicators of conscious thought are less definable.

Perhaps the answers to these questions can only be explained as intelligent design by that higher power we call God. Perhaps the human brain, which controls and monitors the functions of the body is also akin to a radio receiver or remote computer terminal that communicates with a realm where our true conscious identity resides.

Think about it.


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