The Greatest Commandment

While it may seem at times that logic and faith are at odds, a deeper look reveals that logic supports faith to a degree that most of us ignore. The Ten Commandments and the lessons of Christianity are a prime example.

The Bible records that Jesus was challenged with the question –  which was the greatest of the Ten Commandments. His response was “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

While it might seem that this simple answer dodges some of the more realistic issues addressed by the other commandments, nothing could be further from the truth.

If we drill down to the core values expressed by the Ten Commandments and the messages of Jesus’ ministry, we will discover that love is the common and foundational element of both. Even with all the controversy over who wrote the books of the Bible, which translation is most accurate, and which denomination is closest to true Christianity, there is little doubt that love is the bedrock of faith.

If we review each of the Ten Commandments, we should recognize that love is the reason behind each, and loving God gives us the energy and commitment we need to embrace the other commandments.

Here’s where the logic comes in.

Each of us, to varying degrees, has had the experience of being loved. If the love we experience is strong enough and sincere enough, we feel the desire to love in return.

When we apply this understanding to the Ten Commandments, we will recognize that loving God is an expression of appreciation for our existence, and fulfilling the obligations of the other commandments is our way of showing our love of God.

The most common element of those who have reported a near-death experience (NDE) is a sensation of overwhelming and unconditional love. Logic suggests that loving God is the key to developing a connection with the power of the Creator.

And the intensity and sincerity of that love can only enhance that vital connection.



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