Spiritual Variety Pack

The answer – before we even begin to consider the question, is – we don’t know what we don’t know.

As much as this website leans toward the fundamentals of Christianity, we need to acknowledge that there are legitimate questions regarding other beliefs. There is ample evidence that we are all subjects of a loving, forgiving God. So, it would be natural – even Christian – to wonder about other humans who have different beliefs, or even have lived a life where they were never exposed to Christianity. Are they destined to be denied a loving and joyful afterlife?

The answer is – we don’t know what we don’t know.

There may be a hint in an old expression – “all roads lead to Rome,”

Many of the world’s religions share a philosophy with Christian beliefs. The concepts of love and kindness and devotion to a higher authority are common. Equally common is the belief each has that their religion is the “true” path.

The awkward element comes in the form of one of the Bible’s strongest quotes from Jesus –  “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

That seems to exclude a fair number of people, including those who have never been exposed to the Christian message. So, how do we justify that statement with the Christian theme of love and forgiveness?

The answer is – we don’t know what we don’t know.

All roads lead to Rome? Is it possible that in His infinite wisdom, God allows each deceased individual, regardless of their religion, to meet and accept Jesus, and have that opportunity to pass into the afterlife we call heaven? Is it possible that all beliefs are unique roads that lead to Jesus?

We need to face the fact that all beliefs are a compilation of bits and pieces of wisdom and word-of-mouth depictions of events in the distant past. Add to that, all is subject to interpretation. All is subject to distortion and misinterpretation. We might further recognize that some elements may be missing.

In short, we don’t know what we don’t know, and it is that missing element that completes the picture. We don’t know if God offers a last-minute option to believers of other religious themes. We don’t know if all religious roads eventually lead to a universal truth.

Somehow, the power of the concept of love seems to be the answer.

We don’t know what we don’t know, but maybe it’s better that way. It gives us reason to reflect on that power of love.

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