The Time of Your Life

No, it’s not what you think it is. The time of your life is your lifespan, from birth to death. It is the passage of time while you inhabit your physical body. It is also one of the most mysterious elements of our existence.

When we contemplate the conditions of our existence and the question of intelligent design, we need to include the element of time in our thoughts. Time is, after all, one of the conditions of our universe, and one of those things that serves as a foundation of our life experience. It is a rare condition, in that all humanity experiences the passage of time equally.

We have no control over it, yet we rely on it to be stable and consistent. We measure it and count on it to be unchanging. We invent measurments – so many minutes in an hour, so many hours in a day, so many days in a year.

It is probably safe to say that few of us have ever stopped to consider how such a thing as time has come to be. How could we even exist without the factor of time? Would your birth, your death, and your wedding anniversary all happen simultaneously? It is a mind-warping concept.

Time is one of those elements that supports the truth of intelligent design. It supports the existence of God.

Like so many of the elements of our existence, time is a concept that we can only view through the lens of our own experience. Ironically, time is also the stumbling block that creates doubt about the existence of a Supreme Being. We view the evolution of our world through that lens of understanding and experience and then question the idea of creation.

Yet, time is such a unique element, that the greatest of science fiction writers would be hard-pressed to invent such an idea.

Perhaps time is one of God’s greatest creations. Perhaps He created time as part of a comprehensive plan to allow His tool of evolution to occur. Maybe, instead of debating whether evolution is real, we need to recognize that evolution, as well as time, are part of the formula of our existence.

And time turns out to be pretty handy. It means that we don’t have volcanoes sprouting up in our lawn, and we don’t have dinosaurs disrupting rush-hour traffic.

Most of all, time allows each of us to accumulate the wisdom and knowledge that leads to a spiritual peace when our time on earth runs out.

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