Heavenly Gifts

There’s something about the human voice. Especially when it is in song. And when we hear someone sing who has such a perfect voice, we marvel at that perfection. Perhaps we are even a little jealous. Why does that person have the gift of such a perfect voice when we can barely carry a tune?

What we may fail to realize is, we each have a heavenly gift, and, for each of us, our personal gift is unique.

If we should widen our perspective, we might realize the vast treasury of gifts, talents, or skills spread across the human race. We may marvel or envy that person with the angelic voice, or stand in awe of the performer or actor that entertains us. But we may be so blinded by the extreme of the gifts they possess, that we lose sight of the vast array of special gifts or talents that makes up the mix that fuels human existence.

When we consider the fundamental building blocks of human DNA that determines our physical makeup, we would be hard-pressed to identify the DNA mix that produces a specific skill or talent. Our faith/logic analysis then might suggest that such unique and subtle tweaks to a particular human being might have a more spiritual source.

While musical skills might be more obvious, in all probability, each of us may have a special skill. One person might have the ability to create a masterful oil painting, while another might have a particular grasp of mathematics. For every person who is a master carpenter, there may be another who has a passion for chemistry or astronomy.

Perhaps each of us is born with the seed of our special gift, and it is up to us to tend to that seed until it grows into a tree of our special fruit that we can share with the world. Perhaps too, it is in neglecting to cultivate that seed, that we struggle through life in frustration and discontent.

Just as we might question how a self-aware personality can emerge from the cluster of cells of the human embryo, we can equally question how a particular talent can arise from those same early cells.

The answer, of course, is that our talents, whatever they may be, are a gift from the Creator. Our task, in appreciation for those gifts, is to seek out those gifts within ourselves. Then we need to cultivate and hone them until we put them to the best use as our God intended.

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