Snapshots of Life

As we contemplate the miraculous elements that define our existence, we discover more and more evidence that our existence and the world we inhabit is the result of intelligent design.

The complexity of our memories is a perfect example.

If we reflect on our memories, we would recognize that any given memory appears in our thoughts as a simple image that represents a moment in time. If we focus and concentrate on that image, it may expand into a collection of images that defines an expanded view of that moment. Our initial memory image acts like a label on a file folder that contains the balance of that memory. We might compare it to the thumbnail image we see on a You Tube listing.

It is very much like the string of images that we see as a motion picture. Whether it is stored on film or as digital files on a DVD, or as a streaming computer file, the movie we watch is a string of still images that is presented so rapidly, that we perceive it as motion.

In effect, our human-developed technology has caught up with the organic technology that exists within the human form. The parallels to computer technology are astounding and revealing as well.

It appears that the technology that it took humanity thousands of years to develop was built into the human form from the beginning.

Under hypnosis, people have been able to recall much more detail than casual memory reveals. In addition, an occasional individual surfaces who can recall moments in their history that defy explanation, even to the ability to recall the weather on a particular date. Those of us who can’t recall a birthdate or anniversary are amazed that a human mind can store that much information accurately.

Maybe there is an easy answer.

If we view our memories as that string of images that comprise a single memory, we must conclude that a lifetime of memories would amass hundreds of billions of images. We would then be forced to confront the question of, how could that relatively small mass of tissue that is the human brain hold so much information?

The easy answer is that it cannot. It could, however, hold that collection of “file folders” that our casual memory could access. Perhaps opening that file folder is merely accessing information that resides in the spiritual realm that has no bounds.

If the small card that fits into our digital camera can store hundreds of photos, each comprised of thousands of bits of information, how much information could be stored in the expanse of the universe?

It is a concept that can only be explained by one answer – intelligent design. No “accident” of nature could possibly explain the miracle of memory.

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