What Goes Around…

Some elements of our existence are so common, so familiar, that we cease to marvel at the miraculous nature of what we experience. One of those elements is the circle, that familiar shape that ends where it begins, or begins where it ends, depending on you perspective.

While many are not exactly round, the basic concept of beginning and end are the same.

The orbits of the planets, moons, and even asteroids and comets are the most noticeable. Granted, most of those orbits are elongated, but the return to the starting point is consistent. The shape of the sun as well as the planets and moons reiterates the fundamental style of large heavenly bodies.

Our science will explain these structures as natural formations dictated by the laws of physics. But these are the same science addicts who have never been able to resolve the unending mathematical sequence known as “pi,” the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle. That puzzle alone should point to the probability of a knowledge beyond human comprehension.

The same sophisticated mathematics is also employed to explain the actions and reactions of gravity, inertia, mass, and any number of other “laws” of physics.

The question that gets lost in all the research and mathematical juggling is – how did the laws of physics come into being?

Once again we are challenged to explain how those infinitely complex laws could have come into being by an accident of nature. Is it not more logical to accept the possibility that a Creator “wrote” those laws into the recipe that produced our universe and everything in it? After all, don’t those same laws seem to govern all that we observe and experience?

Ultimately, we have learned that the mysteries and puzzles that define our existence appear to exceed our ability to understand them. Perhaps that is part of the plan. Perhaps our Creator has provided the human race with an unending series of puzzles to solve, and, like the circle, the trail of discover returns to the origin that we call God.

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