Free Will Versus God’s Will

Everything happens for a reason.

That’s a common expression used to explain the unexplainable, or to explain what seems to be an unfortunate circumstance. The implication is that there are no accidents, that God coordinates all happenings to suit His purpose. In other words, God orchestrates all events in your life.

Or does He?

Like so many elements in the mysteries of faith, there may be some degree of confusion or contradiction in how we interpret the messages in the Bible.

In the very first verses of the book of Genisis, it is reported that God created human beings in His own “image.” If we consider all the complexities of translation from one language to another over the course of centuries, it might be reasonable to conclude that the “image” of God is not necessarily the physical image that we imagine. The image of God might more probably be the state of a self-aware, self-directed being, capable of making choices about his own actions.

So, how does that idea fit with the concept that God directs our lives?

If we adopt the idea that mankind was created in God’s “image,” we must also consider that God did not want to merely create a race of puppets that required Him to direct and coordinate their every move. If we consider the complex nature of God’s relationship with His creation, we might conclude that God might derive some of His power from the praise and adoration of entities that choose to do so. Puppet beings would not be able to convey such power.

Likewise, the emotion of love, which is an essential force in the universe, cannot exist unless by choice.

While it is probable that God chooses to act when it serves a greater purpose, it is equally likely that He allows most of the events in a lifespan to occur randomly or as the results of the choices made by the individual. It is easy to assume that God’s overall plan for mankind is to allow us to mature and learn with only an occasional tweak to keep us on track or to serve that greater purpose. Perhaps random occurrences are intentionally allowed to happen as part of God’s plan for human development.

The evidence of humans being allowed to control their own destiny is contained in the very fabric of Christianity. What need would there be to promote the lessons of the Bible except to persuade self-directed human beings to make the right choices?

Puppets don’t need to make choices.

Everything happens for a reason?

Perhaps some things happen for a reason – serving God’s purpose. Perhaps the majority of things that “happen” are part of God’s plan to allow us to learn and grow and become refined in His “image.”

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