God’s Voice

Hollywood would have us believe that God speaks with a thundering voice, and some passages in the Bible describe God’s voice as “majestic,” “powerful,” or “like the sound of many waters.”

But, the Bible quotes were from so long ago, we can’t help but wonder – does God speak to us today? Other than in the movies, why don’t we hear the thundering voice of the Almighty today?

We have become so accustomed to the extravaganza of Hollywood productions that we may have become tone-deaf to the true voice of God. Perhaps the truth about God’s voice is that it is subtle and echoes in our subconscious.

Perhaps the truth is that we are so overwhelmed by the “noise” of our modern existence that we have become deaf to the subtle, powerful voice of God. Perhaps god speaks to us in the language of our emotions.

Perhaps God whispers.

Is it possible that God speaks to us all the time, but we don’t hear because we expect to hear words, but God speaks to us in His own language?

When we feel that twinge of sorrow when we see the lifeless form of the deer or squirrel that didn’t quite make it across the road, is that the voice of God reminding us of the value of innocent life?

When we yield to temptation and steal a sample from the bulk bin at the grocery store but then feel guilty, is that God’s voice echoing through our heads?

When we shed a tear witnessing someone else’s pain or grief, is that God’s voice expressing love?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of expecting God’s voice to be something we can hear, because that’s what we have been led to believe. Perhaps it is more likely that God speaks a language of emotion. Perhaps God’s voice is heard in the emotions we feel when we stray or follow the path which has been defined for us in the messages of the Bible.

Perhaps God speaks to us daily, we have only to listen to the messages we feel rather than hear.



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